About Scott Andrew Williams

Too many of us live without hope or purpose

They may be some of the scarcest elements in the universe.

I believe, however, that no matter what circumstances you find yourself in today you can hold on to the hope of a better future and that you were created for a purpose. Part of my purpose is to point you to true hope and help you discover the path to writing a life story that matters.

It's been a windy road

Think of me as a fellow companion on that journey. Like many of you, for years I struggled to understand my purpose here on earth. Along the way I have tried a lot.

I thought I might go on the mission field. Guatemala, Peru, and Costa Rica were all opportunities that I dreamt of. God apparently had other plans.

Unable to find a direction, I opted for two majors in college: Business and Spanish Literature. Spanish Literature was there to satisfy my passion for the language and culture. Business was my practical, I-can’t-decide-on-something-else major.

In 2006, not knowing where exactly this road would take me, I followed God’s call to get prepared for some sort of ministry. Three years later I graduated with a Masters of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Full of knowledge but void of a clear next step, I found ways to serve in various ministries.

Volunteering pays back generously to those who serve. Unfortunately, hospitals, insurance companies, grocery stores and others do not accept the currency of good deeds. So, after graduating seminary I found programming at the intersection of my passions for languages and technology. After teaching myself just enough to get hired, I eventually headed down the road less traveled that is bivocational ministry. I was a programming pastor. Or maybe a pastoring programmer.

In the meantime God called this broke father of two small children to plant a church. It was clearly an object lesson in God demonstrating His power in our weakness.

A church merger and another plant later, I co-lead a small church in Costa Mesa, California. At Narrative Church we celebrate how we can discover our stories within the narrative of love and grace that God is authoring through history. My own life models this idea of our stories being shaped by Jesus.

My passions

Traveling, tacos, anything in Spanish, Latin American people (especially those in Costa Rica where I lived for a period), Lakers, technology, family

Theology, what Jesus has done, studying themes and storylines are they are traced through scripture, preaching

Why I write

As with you, God has been and continues writing a story in my life. Along the way, He has impassioned me with a heart to help others discover the beauty of who the Lord is and of what He does. I pray that all might experience the hope of a restored, whole world in the future. I desire that the writings that God has inspired in me might spark you to discover and wholeheartedly pursue your purpose here on earth.