
flavor wheel

In a world full of books and blogs, do we really need another writer? The world has spilled more ink and created more pixels than any human could ever be aware of, let alone read. Surely, we do not need another writer - at least that is what I told myself for far too long.

Like many of you, I struggled to embrace my calling. Like many of you, I struggled to believe that I had something good enough to offer the world. Like many of you, I have held back this aspect of my purpose for far too long.

I have risked and leapt in much of my life but in this area I hesitated for too long. I have decided that it is time.

Private passion does not always move into public proclamation easily, especially when risk is involved. To write and podcast risks criticism, embarrassment, and failure. So, why proceed? Purpose and calling are what bridge the divide.

My purpose is to point you to the hope that God offers and to help you see that you are called to be an agent of that same hope. From the beginning of human history, God called humans to a great purpose - to be fruitful and multiply, to care for and develop creation, to be a blessing to the world, and to reflect God's glory.

As my own story reveals, this can be a challenging task. Too often we feel alone and discouraged in our lives. I am called to point you toward that living hope, to help you embrace your calling, and to help you multiply your impact.

So, I dare to serve you, to help you connect your purpose to your faith, to be your champion, to challenge you to leap, and to remind you to persevere. God called you. The world needs you. I believe in you.

I look forward to journeying with you!